On-Line Registration
Follow the instructions below:
- Upon receiving a class recommendation form via e-mail or mail.
- Go to Isabelle’s Dance Time Website www.isabellesdancetime.com
- Click on on-line registration link which will take you to Jackrabbit Online.
- Follow registration procedures. If you are returning follow registration procedures for
returning students. Please let us know how you would like to pay for classes: Monthly,
Semester, Yearly and by check, credit card or cash. - Submit your registration form and I will confirm your registration by e-mail and let
you know tuition details and class confirmation. - You can pay on-line with a credit card or send a check through the mail or in person.
- Your place in class is reserved upon receipt of payment.
- If you have pre-registered please fill out your class choices and payment type to hold your
child’s or your place in class. - You can still register by printing the registration forms from the website or calling
Or you can do the easy apply through the app, via the QR code: